Nov 23, 2019 News

Do You Need A Business Mentor?

A Business Mentor can help you to achieve financial freedom.

Sir Richard Branson said: “I have always been a huge believer in the inestimable value good mentoring can contribute to any business. Ask any successful businessperson and they will almost certainly admit to having benefited from the advice of a mentor at some point”.

The Benefits of using a Business Mentor:

• Freedom – financial and time – one of the key reasons for being a business owner – but all too often the reality is different.

• Take control of your business.

• Establish a culture of continuous improvement.

• Grow your business to it’s full potential – create wealth rather than just income.

• Build an effective team.

• Create a sustainable business that can be sold or passed onto the next generation.

• Stress relief / time management – a good mentor will have a big part to play here.

• Work smarter, not harder – we often hear this term – a good mentor will work with you to make it a reality.

• A key component of our service is a monthly meeting with the owners / managers – by getting 3-5 key team members on board results are achieved quickly – think of this as essentially a monthly board meeting for your company to bring clarity and focus and make and implement decisions & actions.

Please note this is a stand-alone service – you do not have to change Accountants to avail of our business mentoring service. To enquire about this specialist service pleae e-mail or phone our Gorey office on 053 948 1780.

FHM Business Mentor